News & Stories

Meetings of the Local Implementation Group (LIG)

New Forest Mencap hosts the monthly Yellow LIG meetings for our area (see map). Participants are people with a learning disability, private care providers, members of Hampshire Adult Services teams, parents, and invited professionals who update us on matters affecting...

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Concessionary (disability) bus pass in Hampshire

Concessionary bus pass The concessionary bus pass is a national scheme so comes under national rules. This means that anyone with this bus pass can travel out of region travel at any time of day including morning rush hour. However, be aware that it is Hampshire that...

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Connect to Support

Hampshire County Council has developed a very good web site called Connect to Support Hampshire.  It is an online information and advice guide and directory of services for adults with care and support needs who live in Hampshire.  It is very good. ...

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Safe Places

The Hounsdown Centre based in Totton has launched a scheme to find safe places to which people can go in an emergency or if they are scared.  They are asking shops and business to join the scheme by placing a Safe Place sign at their premises.  The Mencap shop in Old...

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Flu Jabs

NHS England would like the support of Mencap network partners to raise awareness and help encourage more people with a learning disability to take up the offer of a free flu jab. The key messages for people are: See your doctor, nurse or a pharmacist to get the free...

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Annual Health Checks

Are you receiving annual health checks regularly?  This is your entitlement and GPs in Hampshire are being trained to recognise their responsibility and what is expected of them. The service is a bit variable but the Lyndhurst Practice has been identified as a centre...

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Day Services

Day services are currently ‘being reviewed’.  As we already know, Fernmount has closed and it seems that Hounsdown in Totton will also close in the not too distant future.  The trend is for outsourcing day service opportunities to charities and private bodies. ...

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Ways Into Work

We heard from Becky Beecham from Ways Into Work which is a social enterprise company aiming to get people into paid employment.  Referral is currently via care managers (which will have to be reviewed in light of the changes mentioned in Access to Social Workers,...

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Access to a Social Worker

At a meeting with the Head of Hampshire’s Learning Disability department we learned of some forthcoming changes on how users and carers access services as from 1st April 2017. Due to cuts in spending the present direct care manager system will be replaced by a call...

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