On 20th November 2019 New Forest Mencap launched the research it commissioned which was carried out out by Professor Rachel Forrester-Jones from the University of...
New Forest Mencap has recently commissioned research into the effects of caring for adults with learning disabilities on the parents/carers as they become older themselves. New Forest Mencap will be hosting an event to disseminate the findings of this research into...
New Forest Mencap hosts the monthly Yellow LIG meetings for our area (see map). Participants are people with a learning disability, private care providers, members of Hampshire Adult Services teams, parents, and invited professionals who update us on matters affecting...
Concessionary bus pass The concessionary bus pass is a national scheme so comes under national rules. This means that anyone with this bus pass can travel out of region travel at any time of day including morning rush hour. However, be aware that it is Hampshire that...
Hampshire County Council has developed a very good web site called Connect to Support Hampshire. It is an online information and advice guide and directory of services for adults with care and support needs who live in Hampshire. It is very good. ...